
As an integral member of your management profit team, we offer a complete package of veterinary and production management services. We take pride in high quality veterinary care that integrates cow-side medicine with client education. MMDV’s Embryo Transfer Division specializes in donor flushing, transfers and freezing. Our problem-solving and solution-driven production management services advance your profit-driven agribusiness by developing continuous improvement plans.

Embryo Transfer

Since 1992, Mid-Maryland Dairy Veterinarians is a Certified Embryo Transfer Business with the American Embryo Transfer Association and the International Embryo Technology Society. MMDV performs conventional donor flushing, transfer and freezing. Additionally, we transfer IVF embryos, fresh and frozen. Dr. John Heizer and Dr. Matt Iager are both Certified to Export Embryos to many continents around the world, including North America, South America, Europe, Asia (Japan and China), Australia (New Zealand), and Africa. Routine inspections from USDA-Aphis are performed and both individuals are re-Certified annually.

Herd Health Medicine and Management Service

Mid-Maryland Dairy Veterinarians offer the full spectrum of herd health medicine and management services. Services include:
• Sick cow and emergency care including treatment protocol design and on-farm training
• Reproduction Management including manual and ultrasound reproductive diagnosis, program design, fetal sexing, and data analysis.
• Preventative Medicine including vaccination protocol design
• Records Analysis
• A herd health management manual that covers treatment protocols, vaccination schedules, downer cow management, pain management, and euthanasia.

Consultation Services

Mid-Maryland Dairy Veterinarians offer problem-solving and solutions-driven Consultation Services and Continuous Improvement Plans. We have the experience to help you with:
• Production and Reproduction Bottlenecks.
• Transition Cow Management analyzing facilities, grouping strategies, pen moves, nutrition, metabolic profiles, and various assessment tools including Transition Cow Management Reports (Transition Cow Index-TCI), PCDart, and DC305.
• Milk Quality Management encompassing a milking system analysis, procedure assessment and development, milker training, milk culturing, records analysis, and treatment protocol design.
• Nutritional Management. We do not design rations. We are experts at listening to and observing cows. What are the cows telling us? We interpret cow information including manure consistency, blood data, DHIA data, metabolic disease incidence rate, and TMR observations and relay that information back to the nutritionist.
• Facility Design and Grouping Strategies